I previously wrote about the book “Signs.” I made it a goal to finish the book by the first anniversary of Matthew’s passing. It was a difficult period for Vince and I and JP. Having a plan to be somewhat distracted and reflective was good. We were together, just the three of us in our Naples home. We created a different Christmas Eve than we have had for 40 years. Change is good, a mantra of mine; this year change was also necessary. The day was spent outdoors in glorious sunshine and in our beautiful community in Naples. Vince and JP played tennis, I spent some time at the gym, we watched some sports on the TV and we relaxed before going to a lovely dinner on 5th Avenue, the hub of Naples. Different, yes, but it was pleasant. We did lots of trivia during dinner to keep the mood fun.
Christmas day, I cooked a lovely dinner. The menu replicated part of our traditional Christmas Eve fish dinner, starting with baked clams, then spaghetti with clams, lobster tails, asparagus and salad. We played some cornhole by the pool, always a little competition for these two guys is customary.
On the 26th, Vince and JP drove to Orlando. They went to the Kia stadium and saw the NY Knicks defeat the Orlando Magic. The next day they spent at Animal Kingdom, the two of them with probably 1 million other people. While they were waiting on 45 minute lines, I was home spending some reflective time. I also had an 80 minute massage and then a facial. Mani/pedi followed. I had finished the book “Signs” just prior to this day and wrote down and asked Matthew to send me a sign to let me know that he is OK, and asked him to help us get through this tremendous loss, each of us grieving differently. I also wrote about the profound and deep love that I know I have for him, my baby, my first born, my extraordinary son.
As my facialist entered the room, she was very chatty. We discussed the type of facial she would be doing and asked if I minded that she begin with a prayer and an intention. Of course I didn’t mind, despite the fact that this has never happened before for me at a spa. She then continued to talk while applying product for the next 50 minutes. This is an unbelievable story I will tell you, and is not a coincidence, but a sign, the sign I asked Matthew to send me at this difficult period that I was facing. I did not give the facialist any of my story at this point. She began to tell me that her mother had passed away and she became very depressed at the loss. Shortly after that, the father of her only son died, unexpectedly. She was terribly sad, depressed and mostly worried for her son, who now did not have a father and had no siblings. She decided to take her Mom’s Bible and begin to read it and connect further with her spiritual side. She read the Bible every day, and highlighted certain passages, with the thought that when she passed, she wanted her son to have this Bible and gain a connection to her through the highlighted passages. I was breathless, when she told me her intent. How many people do you know have a highlighted Bible? Well, I have Matthew's Bible, that was on his nightstand. He would highlight certain passages and read them to Jocelyn and explain to her the meaning. Here is another example of his intensity and profound mind. I keep Matt's Bible on my nightstand and read the highlights and try to connect with Matt’s mind, wondering why these particular passages meant something special to him.
As I previousy wrote, Matthew had an affection for Jesus Christ. Here's another sign we received early on.
When Vince and I went to St. Charles cemetary, a few days after Matthew passed, we purchased an indoor crypt for his resting place. The director took us to the one crypt that he had available, it was at eye level, which was our request. Vince and I agreed. I later realized, as I reviewed the list of different buildings at St. Charles, about 15-20 of them, this was the only building that was dedicated to Jesus Christ. It had a very large statue of JC sitting on a throne, (Matt is close by looking at him) and was named Christ the King. Wow, that was clearly a sign that this is where Matthew should be. We had a bronze medallion placed on his crypt sigifying his love for Jesus, as well as recognizing one of his favorite Italian works of art, La Pieta, housed at St. Peter's in Rome.

I spoke with Jocelyn during Christmas week and we all dreaded, the awful date and memory of 12/30. I asked Jocelyn if she had any signs. I’ve written in a previous tribute, some of the unbelievable signs that she had early on. If you believe, you will get signs. So, on the evening of the 30th, in the wee hours, the power went out in her family home where she is living. She checked an app, to learn that it was only her house that had lost power, and not any of the other houses in her community. There was no bad weather or wind that would cause this rare power outage. Jocelyn thought that Matt was sending her his love, one year later, and letting her know he is always with her.
This next sign is truly crazy. When Jocelyn and Matt travelled to Tulum after Christmas, they boarded the plane with a tall gentleman, who Matt recognized as a famous NY Mets baseball player. In fact, Matt went up to him and congratulated him on his recent retirement from baseball. This New Years Eve, Jocelyn was at a restaurant/bar with some friends. A tall gentleman approached the bar, started chatting with the girls while waiting for a drink. He proceeded to tell them that he was in Tulum last year at this time. That’s when Jocelyn’s memory was sparked, it was the same guy that she and Matt had seen on the plane heading to Tulum. That is unbelievable. By the way, his name is Matt Harvey!

I’m a believer, and in some way it feels comforting to know that Matt is with us and trying to communicate that he is good. Our signs have been many and very intense. "I love you Matt, so deeply. You are more extraordinary than I ever realized and please continue to send us signs."

My next book to read was Proof of Heaven. This is a true story about a prominent neurosurgeon at Harvard Medical School who performed 1000's of intricate brain surgeries. He had many new techniques that he discovered and utilized for highly specialized surgeries.
One day, Dr. Eben Alexander, M.D. woke up with a serious headache. By the end of that day, he was brought to the Emergency Room of his hospital and immediately attended to by the entire staff. All kinds of testing was done, it was unclear, and soon after Eben went into a coma. Infectious disease doctors were quickly at work to determine if this was as a result of E Coli. Apparently, a very rare form of this infection, had caused meningitis in his brain. The prognosis was not good - 90% mortality rate, survival at 10 % with little hope for brain functioning.
The book is mostly about the 7 days that Eben was in a coma. On the 7th day he woke up from the coma, recovered and then wrote this book about his NDE (Near Death Experience). His description is beautiful about his spiritually transformative experience, what he saw and how he felt in that place. He makes a distinction between the physical being and the scientific way of looking at life and death vs. the unknown of the afterlife. He explains that we are far more than physical beings and what he felt was an awareness at a much higher level when free from the physical limitations of the brain. "At the core of our existence is a love for us far grander than we can ever imagine: the infinite, unconditional love of a Divine Creator," Dr. Alexander writes.
He relates the past stories of his patients who returned to him after brain surgery and how they would try to convey to him, their surgeon, the experience they had while in an unconscious state in the operating room. As a doctor and scientist, Dr. Alexander dismissed their stories and would not allow himself to believe. His coma, and what he describes as his time for 7 days made him a believer. There is no other way to explain what he saw, what he felt, and no way of accurately describing the profound beauty of that 7 days, other than this life as we know it is NOT the last stop.
This book helped me become a believer. After all, you have two choices. You can believe in a "better place" or you can not believe. It is certainly more comforting to feel that Matt is sending us signs all the time. He is also in a great place, and we will join him someday.
I highly recommed reading this book.
Thank you Janet, once again, for sharing your deep and meaningful thoughts. I've been a believer for most of my life, but your thoughtful message is a sign for me to start looking again.
Your beloved and beautiful Matthew….
I have never doubted that he is with you, Vince and JP everyday… and truly knows how very much you love and miss him.
As I read your words through tears, I reminded myself that the signs Matthew sends is something we can all
rejoice in. ❤️
Janet this is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing💗
Wow, cuz! I'm finally reading this. All of this is incredible! I've had "Signs" for 2 yrs and was never able to start reading. I would cry before even opening the book. Then close it and put it back on the shelf. Although I loved talking to you the other day, reading your entry is very special and beautifully written. Love you!
Janet, this entry is inspiring, thought provoking and comforting in equal measure. Matt continues to leave his mark on the world…now, through you.